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Monday, July 24, 2017

Serve Writing Project: Animal Shelter Edition

Hi, Friends!

I hope summer has been relaxing and rejuvenating for you all and you have done some amazing things for you! I can't believe that summer is almost over -- ahh! But, nevertheless I thought I would pop on (Lauren) and share a bit about a project that my first graders did this past year.

Our district is focused on different characteristics that we work on during the year, such as: create, innovate, investigate, collaborate, and serve - to name a few. We work towards achieving these characteristics in our project-based learning environment and having students understand what these mean. Students also post blog posts that they share with family and friends of their work and "tag" with these characteristics.

In first grade, we wanted to have a culminating unit that was focused on "serve." Students LOVE animals, so we thought what better way to work that to everyones advantage then to help our local animal shelter in Cleveland? Students did research on adopting, not shopping as information research, wrote an information writing, TV commercial, and then we focused on something that we would be able to give back in return: cloth dog toys. We wrote a letter that we sent home to parents about recycling to help with our project, and students also wrote how-to writings, along with pictures, and made some pretty amazing dog toys that we gave to the animal shelter during an all-grade assembly. We even had the local news come do a short segment on it to help get some cute pups adopted.

Overall, it was an amazing project that incorporated many standards, engaging, and helped others in a fun way (and great end of the year activity!). It was amazing to collaborate with others in our grade, too. 

I will be posting the unit soon, but wanted to share a sneak-peek of what it was all about.

Enjoy the last bit of summer,

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Five for Friday Linky, MLK, Jr. Unit GIVEAWAY, and a freebie!

Hi Friends!

Happy Saturday. Hopefully you are getting some much deserved R&R. I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday and a MLK, Jr. Unit give-away!
Happy Weekend,

This week, we worked hard on a STEM project -- creating marble chutes using toilet paper, paper towel, and gift wrapping rolls. This was probably one of our most fun STEM projects to date! Students got to stand on the table (oh, this brought and test out their chutes for the class to see. Many worked, and some had a few revisions to do. Fabulous, fun, and no money involved lesson. Always a win-win!

This week, we reviewed adjectives and did our Adjective Runway Show from Hope King's unit. This is definitely a favorite, especially for my second graders. It is always fun when you get to add a little wacky, tacky, and crazy to your lessons. Engagement is key. 

The past couple weeks, we have been testing out the app, Wonderbox. I don't know if you have heard of this app, but it is amazing and FREE! Students have choices as to what they want to learn about and then create projects based on their learnings to send to the teacher and their friends. My students love working on this app. I have put it as a pocket choice for them to do when they are an early finisher with work. 

I wanted to post a MLK, Jr. writing craftivity freebie. I hope you are able to use it! Link here: MLK Freebie Unit

Lastly, I am giving away a MLK, Jr. Unit! Just enter the contest below. Good luck!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

MLK, Jr. Giveaway!

Hi Everyone!

Hope 2016 is off to an amazing start. I feel like I (Lauren) keep making our blog a New Year Resolution, and then February comes, and I fall off the blog planet. This year, though -- it will be different. I wanted to quickly pop in for a giveaway of my MLK Jr. unit. Enter below to win! Good luck and we will chat more soon!

Link to unit: MLK Jr. Unit


Saturday, January 31, 2015

Seahawks are winning the Superbowl Sale

....or at least I hope!:) Just a quick drop-in to say hi and that I am having a 20% off sale in hope of the Seahawks winning!! It will be a good game.

Have a great Saturday, friends!

Store:Lauren Scotta's Store

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Worksheet Free Wednesday...inspired by Kickinitinkindergarten!

Hi, friends! I was so impressed with Elizabeth at Kickin' it in Kindergarten for her Worksheet Free Wednesday post that I just had to try it for myself. it was We are blessed to have 1:1 iPads for our students, so we kicked that in high gear and used them in such unique ways, did fun games, and a lot of Quad D (rigor & relevance) learning today (check out those math questions they answered -- proud teacher moment!). I left today feeling so great, and I think my students enjoyed it, too (especially when you hear them saying as they leave...I can't wait until Wednesday next week!). I shared these pictures of just some of the activities we did, with my parents and a note letting them know about what we did today and the feedback has been amazing. You should truly try it. Thank you, Elizabeth, for this great inspiration! Read her post here: Worksheet free Wednesday

Have a great night!
Lauren Scotta

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Five for Friday....errr Saturday and a Fluency Freebie!

Hello, friends! I meant to post yesterday, but I got to cleaning and then poof, time just got away from me. I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday (or Saturday in my case!).

First things first...I realized there really aren't any pictures of me or Emily on here (that's me on the right!). So, I thought I would share one. Here we are!

This week in first grade we were working really hard on expanding sentences and making them beautiful! Students had to use a noun, verb, and adjective and wrote fun, silly sentences. They wrote them using StoryBuddy or StoryCreater (fabulous apps!). Here are a few:

This is a bit of old news...but I forgot to share --I passed all of my Ohio Resident Educator tasks!! AHHHH!! I can't tell you how nervous I was when I got that e-mail that my scores were in and was not sure if I could check it. My year is the first year of doing year 3 (last year) and we received our scores this year. More information here...Ohio RESA. Anyone else in year 1, 2, 3, or 4?

After seeing pictures of some of my favorite bloggers (Step Into Second GradeKickin' It In KindergartenShenanigans in Second, The First Grade Parade, and One Extra Degree to name a few)....I have The Ron Clark Academy on my bucket list. It looks AMAZING (I owe a dollar to the Bachelor jar, ha -- anyone see that episode?!). But, seriously what an inspirational, exciting, and positive approach to school and I would love to gain some new ideas!

As my final five for Friday (and to thank you for reading all the way until the end!) here is a little fluency freebie chart. Students will do a cold read on a fluency passage on their guided reading level on Monday, set a goal, read each night at home and each day at school, do a hot read on Friday. Hopefully they were able to meet their goal. I am also going to make up three comprehension questions to check for understanding, too. I will be doing this twice a month. Students understand they are to read like a good reader, not racing, and stop at punctuation. Enjoy!


Thursday, January 22, 2015

Directed Drawing Fun and Book Talk Thursday Linky!

Hi, friends! This week, we started a mini-unit on fractured fairy tales. On our first day, we did Cinderella and did a little directed drawing (youtube is seriously amazing & we used this site: How to Draw Cinderella Step-by-step video which has many other options for drawings). I had never done one with my class before, so it was quite the treat...if you have never done one be ready for giggles galore. I can't tell you how much fun it was, and such a great activity for following directions and working on fine motor skills. Here are a few of my favorites:

We are linking up with *Reading Toward the Stars!* for Book Talk Thursday Linky Party and wanted to share some stories that we are reading this week!

If you are working on fractured fairy tales, we are really enjoying these books (and they are great for point of view, too!):

I will be back this weekend for a little freebie and idea to go along with it! Can't wait to share it!