Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Technology Linky Party!

Hi Everyone! It is Lauren and I wanted to link up and share some great ways we use technology in the classroom! :) We are very fortunate that we do have different types of technology at our fingers. We have iPads and computers in our classroom and some great technology instructors, too.
One website that I have my students use almost daily is Scootpad. It is an amazing FREE website that is based on common core. A teacher friend told me about it this summer and I have my students on it all of the time. It has math and language arts. After you give your students their password and user name, they can go on anywhere (and they have free iPad app, too!). It will give you information on all of your students and you can click on the standard(s) you are working on and it will create problems that go along with it. If students need additional help or enrichment, you can provide the appropriate problems for them, too.
A second website that I love is Glogster. My students love going on this website and creating their own online poster! My students recently interviewed staff members and made glogster biographies of them. They took pictures of their staff member from the iPad and downloaded it into their glogster presentation. They turned out really cute (I will try to post  picture soon!).
Lastly, I use this, Sadlier-Oxford Phonics Games, during language arts centers to provide some phonics reinforcement (plus it is FREE which is always wonderful!!). You can have some students doing different grade levels to provide the differentiation.
I am always looking for new ways to use the iPad, too. We did an iMovie where students were weather people and made props and they will be making a commercial to try to sell a product for our economics unit. I also enjoy using comic strips and having students design and write about the plot of a story they read. I am also starting to dabble in QSR codes for a different way to teach things. I will write more about that soon!
Hope some of these sites help you in 2013!


  1. I am making stop motion lego movies in my classroom using technology. Visit my blog to get the details on part 1.


  2. Have you heard of blubbr? Website to create trivia questions with videos. I use it for listening comprehension.
