Sunday, January 11, 2015

GoNoodle Linky Party with Kickin' It in Kindergarten

Hi, friends! Doing a quick linky party with Kickin' it in Kindergarten on GoNoodle. Seriously...GoNoodle is a lifesaver to get some energy out...especially on the frigid Cleveland days we have had (and indoor recess everyday last week!). I almost couldn't contain my excitement when I got the e-mail last week that they added indoor recess activities! I put it on, and away my kids went...and they got their first gold in one of the Olympics races. I could hear them screaming down the hall! Oy!

Favorite GoNoodle Brain Break: I really love the Zumba GoNoodles...I think because I danced since age 3 -- and I like to dance with the kids; ya know, get my moves on, haha! But, after the past week of indoor recess everyday, the recess GoNoodles have taken a quick run to first place. 

My Happy Place: The beach. What I wouldn't give to be in a sunny, warm place where winter coats, hats, and gloves are unheard of. This would be my happy place...Aruba. If you have never been, put it on your list:
My Guilty Pleasure: My guilty pleasure has been trying to get to Pure Barre more often (doubling for two things I love -- pilates and ballet mix workout and New Year's Resolution - win-win!). 
And...I can't leave out Prince Farmer. 

Keep Calm and....drink Starbucks. When all else fails, there is a Starbucks at every corner to help get you through the day! My drink of choice? Chai tea latte! YuM!

Have a great week!


  1. My friend has been trying to get me to come to Pure Barre and I still haven't gone! What do you think about the girls on The Bachelor this time? Nothing too crazy. I'm a fan on the guidance counselor! Can't wait for tomorrow night :) Thanks for linking up!

  2. You need to try it! It is such a different kind of work out, and you feel amazing after. I like the guidance counselor, too...she seems really sweet. There are just so many of them! I am waiting for the crazy to come out, though! How crazy about Andi and Josh?! I didn't see that coming?! Thanks for having the link-up! I was just looking through our past posts and we did the 101 follower give-away with you like 2 years ago....I have been so bad about blogging since then, but it is my New Year's goal to get back to it! You are doing awesome - I am so proud of where you were and now where you are! Amazing, lady!! I want to be you when I grow up haha...or right now! :)
