Thursday, January 8, 2015

Let's Celebrate MLK Jr. Day and FREEBIE!!

Hello friends...Lauren here, after what seems to be forever!! Since I last wrote, I officially moved in to my new place (and the decorating is in full force -- and have been teaching first grade. I can't tell you how much I enjoy it! I promise I will post before-and-after house pictures soon.

One of my New Year goals is to blog more....well here I am and not only that.....I made a product for TPT, just in time for Martin Luther King Jr. Day right here! Don't forget about this freebie I posted a while ago,!

What are some of your goals for this year? 

I know this a super quick check-in, but I am trying to stay snuggled under a blanket in this arctic Ohio weather!

Stay warm, friends!

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