Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Worksheet Free Wednesday...inspired by Kickinitinkindergarten!

Hi, friends! I was so impressed with Elizabeth at Kickin' it in Kindergarten for her Worksheet Free Wednesday post that I just had to try it for myself. it was We are blessed to have 1:1 iPads for our students, so we kicked that in high gear and used them in such unique ways, did fun games, and a lot of Quad D (rigor & relevance) learning today (check out those math questions they answered -- proud teacher moment!). I left today feeling so great, and I think my students enjoyed it, too (especially when you hear them saying as they leave...I can't wait until Wednesday next week!). I shared these pictures of just some of the activities we did, with my parents and a note letting them know about what we did today and the feedback has been amazing. You should truly try it. Thank you, Elizabeth, for this great inspiration! Read her post here: Worksheet free Wednesday

Have a great night!
Lauren Scotta

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